
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My First Post

This is my first blog post. I've been thinking of blogging for a while, but never had enough that I felt free to say, and enough time to say it, for it to make sense. Now that I'm self-employed again (for the first time in 10 years), I have both. So here I am. I expect to cover a fairly eclectic (i.e. scattered) set of topics for a while, until I either find a niche or fade away. Welcome to the experiment ...

(By the way - for anyone else thinking of starting a blog - I found this summary of available tools to be useful:

1 comment:

Arzeena said...

hey. Arzeena of of the Arzeenawritingworld here. your blog's not really my cup of tea, not my thing what... but just wanted to thank you for your comment. hope you liked my writings...