
Monday, March 27, 2006

My First Day

Back in November, in My First Post, I said that I started this blog because, being newly self-employed, I expected to have "... enough that I felt free to say, and enough time to say it." I also expected "... to cover a fairly eclectic (i.e. scattered) set of topics for a while, until I either find a niche or fade away." Looking back, I did cover an eclectic set of topics, and I did fade away from posting after a while.

As of today, I am no longer self-employed -- today was my first day as a Google employee. I might start posting again, but not until I get my bearings in my new role, and once again find enough worth saying that I feel free to say.

Until then, thanks for listening.
- dG


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What are you going to do at the plex?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations ... your just across 101 from yours truly at SimplyHired. It would be ironic if you were heading up their new job search tool!

I know of someone else who blogged their first few weeks at Google:


SexySEO said...

Congrats! Great service :D

Unknown said...

Hello Dave,

I just wanted to stop by and say hello! Looks like your doing great.
Chris Thornton-

Lane said...

Hi, I'm leaving a comment here because it's the only way I've found to contact you. I've been reading the Shockwave Rider and I found your implementation of Fencing. I can't figure out how to make a triangle. Thanks,